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A member registered Jan 18, 2019

Recent community posts

Incredibly helpful, thank you so much! I appreciate this a bunch - hoping to run a campaign for some friends soon.

(1 edit)

dumb question probably, but can you explain how the ring of the archmage works? I have no idea what it means stating that it targets anyone who breaks the seal, what seal? How would you get anyone to "Break the seal"? not sure i have any idea what the seal is lol

Wondering if there is a way, or how I would go about grouping several sprites as a single *sprite* which could then be considered a whole as opposed to having to change each section of a sprite when cycling through sprites or having to reference different sprites during collision. It would be nice if I wanted to move a large sprite without having to move each section of it, is this possible? 


I would really like to use Sublime Text 3 to write code for the TIC-80, I followed the instructions on the git but it refuses to build a file in the default directory nor can i edit or save any carts usable by TIC-80, any explanation as to how to properly set this up would be appreciated